
Archive for the ‘SIENA’ Category


August 18, 2010 1 comment

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Categories: SIENA

Lorenzetti Redux | Good & Bad Government

August 17, 2010 1 comment

In the search of what Good and Bad government portrays, my objective was to investigate what motives each side has for being first-class government to the dark side of being corrupt. In my search, I always returned to the label of whom and what the people stand for. People, adults, children are all individual affected in the struggle to see where the government is pulling and controlling with their emotions. I have found that their begins to be a ripple in the search for where people are dragged to. In an effort to keep each person harmonious in the place they reside is no longer possible. I have come to realize that bad government will to send people into and oblivion state of emotion, hopeless to fight or they will lock you away, never have the truth hear the light of day. All of this is done through the ‘corporate suits’ that sit in their luxurious seats and talk about their plans in a conduct that will only help profit themselves. Now most of these meeting are done in secret for the public not to realize what is being done behind closed doors, though we know its talks about profit, war, and anything that will cause the public health to drown all for the efforts of achieving superiority without a common care for the man. In the good government, I saw also efforts of individual, but they apply themselves to help the individual. Countries constitute better relationship with one another as well as the citizens of its country to live better. Traditions are upheld and they have pride and honor in what they do. People see the light in things and show approval for higher education. The need of supply and demand on the structure of the government is provide and people enjoy the lifestyle they inhabit. But the central meaning remains the same, the ripple still exists, and to stop the drift, government must acknowledge what they look to see their nations and to be aware of where they want the nation to stand.

Categories: SIENA


August 16, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: SIENA


August 16, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: SIENA


August 16, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: SIENA

Pop-Up Piazza – Piazza Salvani Provenzano

August 12, 2010 Leave a comment

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Categories: SIENA

Pop-Up Piazza – Piazza Salvani Provenzano

August 11, 2010 Leave a comment

In the introduction phase of what a pop-up piazza should adhere to, the idea of massing the building, folding, and bending appear to be a simple procedure to build.  This soon I found out was false.  I was assigned Piazza Salvani Provenzano, a complex piazza in that varied in the shifting planes.  My first study only revealed to integrate the ground of the piazza.  The existence of understanding the exterior skin of the buildings was not yet explored.  After clarifying that the ground relationship was correct (angles, lengths, widths, relationships) I positioned to study how to arrange the building ought to come into sight.  After having series of failures to mass the buildings, I looked through the window of my room and found the answer.  The houses that were sloped downward from the duomo only revealed a portion what is behind them.  A series of layers as only one line of buildings were noticeable and thereafter only bits and pieces of the buildings were revealed.  Enough was seen of the buildings that revealed singular portion ascend as the slope of the community develop uphill.  This was also reaffirmed when I made my way back to Piazza Salvani Provenzano and noticed that when in the piazza I could not see the dome of the basilica that was positioned in the square.  It was not till I moved uphill that bits and piece were revealed, the solution I sought was confirmed.  In the series of models that followed, cuts and folds revealed more and more of what should appear through each consecutive model.

Categories: SIENA


August 10, 2010 Leave a comment

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Categories: SIENA

Porta San Marco

August 9, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: SIENA

Porta San Marco

August 8, 2010 Leave a comment

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Categories: SIENA